Friday, November 6, 2015

Yoga field trip

The students in second grade have been working on further developing their balancing skills. We have used this as a transition into Yoga. In class we learned around 10 different poses which all require concentration and balance. 

We were beyond excited to take our new found knowledge of yoga to the next level by visiting Yen Yoga. 
In class we were able to explore many new moves thanks to our amazing teacher. 

At the end of class we even got a chance to be instructors and show our friends our favorite moves. 

Some of the kids can be quoted saying...

"It was peaceful and fun. We got chocolate there! I love yoga"

"It was awesome! I really want to do yoga classes!"

"I learned new moved. I learned a new tree move." 

A huge thank you to Yen Yoga for helping us to explore new ways to move our bodies. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great thing to expose kids to yoga! Thank you, Coach Belanger!!
